The teaching is based on the Scripture lessons from Trinity 11.

The Gospel reading is Luke 18:9-14.

Some quotes in the recording are taken from the Book of Concord (Triglotta - public domain). Please note that different versions of the Book of Concord have different reference and paragraph numbers. I'll provide both references.

Reference #1: Johann Gerhard

“We should not think of our good works and boast of them but rather think of our sins and repent of them … we have more sins than good works.” (Johann Gerhard, Postilla Volume 2, Eleventh Sunday after Trinity)

Reference #2: The Book of Concord

… the Law always accuses us.

For who loves or fears God sufficiently? Who with sufficient patience bears the afflictions imposed by God? Who does not frequently doubt whether human affairs are ruled by God’s counsel or by chance? Who does not frequently doubt whether he be heard by God? Who is not frequently enraged because the wicked enjoy a better lot than the pious, because the pious are oppressed by the wicked? Who does satisfaction to his own calling? Who loves his neighbor as himself? Who is not tempted by lust?

In the Concordia Triglotta the reference is: Apology to the Augsburg Confession, Article III (of love and the fulfilling of the law), paragraph 167.

In the Concordia, Reader's Edition the reference is:  Apology, Article V (III) paragraph 46

Reference #3:  The Book of Concord

Thus the worship and divine service of the Gospel is to receive from God gifts; on the contrary, the worship of the Law is to offer and present our gifts to God. We can, however, offer nothing to God unless we have first been reconciled and born again … the chief worship of the Gospel is to wish to receive remission of sins, grace, and righteousness.

In the Concordia Triglotta the reference is: Apology to the Augsburg Confession, Article III (of love and the fulfilling of the law), paragraph 310.

In the Concordia, Reader's Edition the reference is:  Apology, Article V (III) paragraph 189