The Scripture Readings for the Second Sunday of Easter are ...

Ezekiel 37:1-14 (the Valley of Dry Bones) Psalm 33 (the Steadfast Love of the Lord)1 John 5:4-10 (Three that Testify:  Spirit, Water, Blood)John 20:19-31 (Jesus Appears to His Disciples)

For 40 Days After the Resurrection, Jesus Opened the Scriptures and He Opened His Disciples' Eyes

The Bible … a “Closed” Book?

Have you ever felt as if the Old Testament is ...

a "closed" book for you?daunting, overwhelming, confusing, strange, irrelevant, inaccessible, unnecessary, beyond comprehension?for pastors and professors BUT NOT for me?

If you have ever felt that way, take heart. The disciples felt the same way.

All of the Scriptures Point to Jesus

For forty days after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and taught them about the Kingdom of God. He opened up the Old Testament (the Books of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms) and "eXPlained" to them that all of the Scriptures foretold, foreshadowed and revealed His suffering, death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins.

As We Open the Scriptures, Jesus Opens our Eyes

What Jesus did with His disciples, He also wants to do with us.

When we open up the Scriptures, He will open our eyes to see and our hearts to believe, that His death and resurrection give to us the greatest gift, the forgiveness of sins.

And when you have the forgiveness of sins in Jesus, you have ... everything!

If you have not yet signed up for the 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenge, you can enroll here ...

The 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenge and Friends and Daggers Daily Vlog

(Sign Up Here)

The 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenge Starts, Monday, April 5th

In order to help us open up the Scriptures and understand the person and work of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation, I'd like to offer the following:

40 days of Friends and Daggers ("eXPlain it" edition) daily vlogs that highlight a small portion of the Old Testament and show how Jesus is foretold, foreshadowed and revealed (starts Monday, April 5th)Sunday Vlogcasts that highlight the appointed Scripture readings for each Sunday of the Church YearDaily Scripture Reading Plans that follow the appointed Scriptures for each day of the year (bundled inside of the Sunday Vlogcast page)Live Weekend ZOOM Workshops that walk you through Christ centered, Biblical interpretation principles and offer opportunities for you to ask specific questions, Saturdays at 9 am EST (the live workshops will be recorded for those who cannot attend in person)Weekly "OnePagers" that provide reviews, guides and worksheetsAccess to the "eXPlain it" digital online portal ... (the virtual home of the 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenge)A private FaceBook Group for community, comments, sharing and discussion

You can find a "OnePager" of the 40 Day Challenge ... here.