I have a very special guest today and we are going to talk about something near and dear to our hearts.

She is the author of Fight, Flex, or Flight. Her mission is to help parents find the right educational environments for their kids. She worked for 20 years as a school counselor, a parent-student advocate, a crisis counselor, and CPS intake specialist.

She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California and earned her master’s degree at Cal Lutheran Univeristy in counseling and guidance. Simultaneously work in child protective services and 24/7 crisis line intake counselor.

She retired as a school counselor and earned certificate as a success principal’s coach with Jack Canfield.

She realized she had passion for helping the student with their general needs.

Her name is Rami Donahoe.

And we are going to talk about education and all the different options that parents have with choosing education and direction in which they get educated and all the different options.

You’ll Discover You have options. You are not stuck. You are not alone. [4:54] Fight, Flex, and Flight. [9:36] Parents are frustrated with just getting basic services/goal for their kids. [11:35] People are going to notice the huge change and they are going to respect you and make am impact on other people. [36:56] The three kinds of people. [56:29]li>

...And much more!

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