When I say the word “Mastermind” what comes to mind?

There are super high-end masterminds, masterminds that aren’t really masterminds, free masterminds, and everything in between.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot as I try to determine where I want my business to grow next.

And so, my guest today is a totally selfish invite. This conversation is a free consulting call for me.

I’ve been in Dov Gordon’s community for a while now, and he’s kind of known as the “Mastermind Guy.”

If you’ve never heard of him before, that’s okay. He prefers to be the kind of consultant who’s behind the scenes, doing amazing work and growing his business through referrals within his network.

And the best part is people pay him to be a part of this network. This has two amazing benefits.

One, he generates premium leads for his business. People who are willing to invest thousands of dollars a year in building relationships.

Two, by “owning” the network or being its creator, he’s automatically in a position of authority and respect. This reminds me of that Peter Drucker quote, “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.”

If you’ve been thinking about starting a mastermind to grow your business, this episode of Experts Unleashed is a must-listen.

You’ll Discover What is an “Alchemy Network” and how is different than a mastermind? [13:05] Fulfillment, time commitment, and curation - how Dov runs his Alchemy Network in a highly leveraged way [17:38] The value you bring to a Mastermind as its curator (hint: it’s not content) [27:00] The Emotional Bank Account - how to think about member engagement and “group rules” [31:50] The client math behind creating a mastermind - how much you can expect to make [39:17]

...And much more!

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