I have an extraordinary guest today who is an excellent friend.

He is somebody who generated over a hundred million dollars in advising services and advising fees. He also mentors and guides other people on how to launch their careers in our field.

A three-time international bestselling author, and he is a scale-up advisor where they have exited over 200 companies with his team.

His name is Kane Minkus.

He was initially a musician and a record producer until he met a great advisor, and fate changed his career.

Find out here how to become a high-paid advisor.

You’ll Discover Everybody needs an advisor. [6:30] Critical functions of an advisor. [8:51] Advisors think at the highest level with the CEOs, founders, and executives. [12:51] The highest cost in every business is customer acquisition cost. [23:43] The different markets. [37:25]

...And much more!

Find out more about Kane Minkus here: www.rockstaradvisoracademy.com www.kaneandalessia.com Helpful Resources

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