“Most organizations, when they’re trying to generate revenue and grow, keep going down the path they went to that got them to where they are now. They keep trying to add more into that linear path, but on the outside, they’re passing these adjacent opportunities and revenue streams that could be built off of congruent offerings… ”


What if I told you that your business holds untapped revenue streams that could multiply your assets and income, while giving you a much more efficient ROE? Enter Jake Ulkus. Jake uses  Forensic Marketing Analysis to dig deep into your business in order to identify and correctly optimize your unique strengths and assets. This week on Experts Unleashed, Jake is giving us a peek into the work that he does with clients, helping them recognize and utilize the “Hidden Equity” in their businesses.


“To find hidden equity, the first place I look is existing clients as an asset. So I look at Return on Assets (ROA) - net income divided by number of assets. What are you netting per client? Then it’s almost as simple and abstract as saying, am I happy with that number?”


The concept of finding “Hidden Equity” focuses on extracting components outside of your prime focus that add value to your business. In order for you to find this equity, you have to recognize that the level of their expertise is not equal to the current level of impact. This takes some self-analyzation of your Return on Assets and Return on Energy. Even when we identify that some changes are in order, we can tend to fall back into old, comfortable patterns. So, for long-lasting results, it can be crucial to have someone coaching us along the way.


“Every single business has the ability to expand their ROA, has the ability to create completely new revenue streams, to double their business, without having to worry about how to net ‘new’… it’s how you grow those roots. You’ve got to be able to grow the roots deep. It makes for more sustainability and durability.” - Jake


If you have had limited growth in your business,  if you feel like you are hustling, but not seeing a significant return on the energy you are exerting, it’s possible that you have untapped revenue already present in your business. Jake is all about helping you find those sources, like delivering a roadmap to the bank where you have already deposited a large sum of money.  Listen in to this episode to learn more about finding that cash, and how Jake can help.

Some Topics we talk about in this episode:


Introduction - 1:41 What Jake Does - 2:44 The Target Client for Finding Hidden Equity - 6:27 An Example of Hidden Equity - 12:48 How Can Someone Find Hidden Equity in Their Own Business - 19:05 What Led Jake to Where He is Today - 24:52 How Does Jake’s Business Empower His Freedom of Creativity? - 37:34 Wrap-up and Takeaways - 42:53


How to get involved

To find out more information about the work that Jake does, visit jakeulkus.com. To connect with Experts Unleashed, and gain access to valuable resources for free, visit expertsunleashed.com. Check out our facebook group here. Interested in learning more about what we are doing with our "Perfect Experts?" Email [email protected] or check out www.theperfectexpert.com for details. Join us today! Interested in what Joel does? Did you know we offer live events too?! Watch our webpage, www.thewebinaragency.com for the next event!


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