I recently had the opportunity to nerd out on the topics of computer programing and algorithmic trading with the founder of Easy Language Mastery and System Development Master Class: Jeff Swanson.

Jeff started learning basic code on an Apple II computer when he was 14 years old. When he saw what he could create, his mind was blown. He began developing his own programs and even made his first Stock purchase right out of high school.

In 2007, Jeff started trading and had a lightbulb moment: he realized he could create a computer program to flawlessly automate his trading. Right then, his 2 worlds — computers & trading — collided.

When it comes to trading, you need the confidence & know-how to succeed. Jeff has a hands-on online workshop where he helps computer programmers who are interested in trading build their first algorithmic trading program in 14 weeks.

If you’re interested in creating a trading program or just want to nerd out on algorithmic trading, this episode’s for you.

You can find out more about Jeff’s program below:

Easy Language Mastery

System Development Master Class

You’ll Discover Why develop your own program for trading? [4:08] Ways to generate a full-time income with trading [15:39] Why is being a developer so valuable when you apply it to the trading world? Jeff’s algorithmic trading program: System Development Master Class How to get started with trading

...And much more!

Helpful Resources

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