PROFANITY WARNING - There are a few unbleeped blue utterances in this podcast - if you're sensitive to blueness, please wear headphones! In Episode 3 - Denny and Drew start out in the Pub talking about a distressing topic - the possible decline of homebrewing, the causes and what all of us can do about it. Then we get into the real meat of our whole show as we head into the Experimental Brewing Labs in Casa Verde - it's experimentation time! Back in Episode 1 we walked you through a triangle test, now it's time to use it! In this episode, we'll describe the experiment and a few episodes down the line, we'll bring you the results of the IGORs testing and take your results as well! Then we're off to the Bay Area, where if you read our blog, you'll know we talked to a bunch of brewers - this week, we bring you our interview with Jay Goodwin of the Rare Barrel in Berkeley as he drops a bunch of sour beer knowledge on our puny little heads. We'll then take your questions and see if we can't start a fight between Denny & Drew before Denny gives you a little working knowledge about your pump head and then talks to you about his love for the world's favorite silly instrument - the ukulele! Episode Links:
Experiment Description -
Recipe -
The Rare Barrel -
Ohana Music (aka Denny's Ukulele's of choice) -
Survivor Girl Ukulele Band - Drew kept getting the name wrong, but check out one of the best uses for music -
Episode Contents: 00:00:00 Our Sponsors 00:01:40 Theme and Intro! 00:04:50 Beer Life from the Experimental Brewing Pub - The Decline of Homebrewing 00:16:59 Experiments - Our first experiment - WLP001 vs. Wyeast 1056 00:26:07 Live at the Rare Barrel with Jay Goodwin 01:03:03 Q&A with Denny & Drew 01:14:34 Quick Tip - Keeping Your Head Clear 01:16:04 Other Things We Recommend: Ukulele & The Ukulele Survivor Girl Project 01:18:58 Wrap up This episode is brought to you:
BrewCraft USA Craftmeister NikoBrew PicoBrew

Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) - contact them at [email protected]. We want more Citizen Science! On our next episode we'll be giving our IGOR's their first brewing assignment! In the meanwhile, subscribe via your favorite podcasting service (iTunes, etc). Like our podcast, review it - talk it up! If you have comments, feedbacks, harassments, etc, feel free to drop us a line at [email protected]. Follow us on Facebook (ExperimentalHomebrewing) or Twitter (@ExpBrewing). If you have questions you'd like answered in our Q&A segment, send an email to [email protected]! This episode can be downloaded directly at Podcast RSS Url: