This episode of Experiencing GhiaLogic is a reminder that while the 9/11 attacks may have happened in a pocket of the US, they touched the entire world. It is encouraged in this episode to reflect on how your life has changed since the biggest terrorist attack on American soil happened 20 years ago.

After doing some extra research, George Bush enacted a lot of litigation very shortly after the attacks. Let me give you a list of things that weren't in place before 9/11 but now exist due to the acts:

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Homeland Security
ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
USA Patriot Act
Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba

As of last month, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq are officially over and Americans have been pulled out completely. This was a 20 year "War on Terror". How do you think our government handled the attacks?

GhiaLogic sends her condolences to the families affected by the 9/11 attacks and the families of the veterans of the Afghan/Iraq war. Hopefully nothing like this ever happens again in the world.

God Bless... 

Instagram: @GhiaLogicX


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