Learn how you can turn a negative experience into a lifelong customer, how customizing imagery can create personal connection, and how important it is to develop your personal brand.

Bite-Sized Delight From the Episode:
• Turn a Negative Customer Experience into a Lifelong Customer - by giving customers the benefit of the doubt and treating them as you would treat a friend, you honor their investment of time, money, and effort to become a customer.
• Personalize the Experience with Customized Imagery - by commissioning custom imagery from each of the zip codes they serve, Chase Bank delivered a level of personal experience that created loyalty and comfort for their customers.
• The Power of a Personal Brand - by developing a personal brand you can form deeper relationships and connections, advancing your career in the process.

Start the Conversation:
Are we focused on the right metrics when determining the success of our CX programs?

Are You Looking for Things We Referenced?

Rex Sorgatz Twitter Thread - customized Chase Bank landing pages discovery

Chase Bank - customized landing pages by zip code

Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success - by Leonard Kim and Ryan Foland

Experience Conversations

Get more resources and the full show notes at http://ExperienceThisShow.com. See you next week!

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