Knowing what it is like to have lost my father and son to murder, a hate crime, in fact, I often hear from others, “I can’t imagine.” My response may come across too practiced...because it is. “I hope you never have, too”, is what flows from my mouth in return.

Jennifer Ross, President & CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was prompted to place me on a stage with a five-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and internationally recognized human rights activist, Izzeldin Abuelaish, MD in November 2019. She had read his book, “I Shall Not Hate; A Gaza Doctor’s Journey” outlining the three tragic murders of Besan (20), Maya (15), and Aya (14), three of Izzeldin’s daughters and his niece, Noor (17), by an Israeli tank in Gaza on January 16, 2009. Izzeldin is Palestinian. His book is heart wrenching and detailed as he takes us through his childhood to the trials of medical school, all while living life as a refugee. Yet, his inspiring heart warms us in every chapter of his life because Izzeldin takes the challenges presented and transforms them to life.

I was honored that Jenn Ross saw me in a similar light and agreed to join their event. Upon meeting Izzeldin I almost said, “I can’t imagine”. Instead, I paused and said, “Thank you for all the good work you present in our world, from the heart break you face daily.”

Izzeldin has a large personality and is generous with his words and his edict on actions. “Challenges are man made”, you will hear him speak of how often man creates conflict and therefore, many innocent suffer. “Wisdom, kindness and courage” will move you to take some action of your own. How can you not, after hearing from a man who lost so much and yet, has the grit, fortitude and sheer will to wring the good from bad.

Documenting this show notes I am reminded of an earlier Real Grief - Real Healing Episode with Wesley Hamliton. Wesley shares how he struggled and yet found the good in his life and in others.

Episode 26 is only part one of a two part series. We had much to discuss and still do. I was left wanting for more and you will be, as well. Thankfully, Izzeldin has agreed to be part of our SevenDays® Make a Ripple, Change the World experience, specifically on Thursday, April 22. You can register using this link.

I completely understand how Izzeldin continues to operate after losing so much. His deceased children live with him every day in his heart. Offering us a human message to find forgiveness among one another and create a world filled with kindness, while praising the women who nurture and bring forth life...this man has much to offer each of us.

Enjoy “Take the Challenge and Transform it to Life” and share how you are inspired after listening to Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish!

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The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

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