In today’s episode, I talk about what grief is and what grief feels like. Yes, I talk about feeling, a lot. I talk about what grief is and what grief feels like. Yes, I talk about feeling, a lot.

Feeling the touch of another human and how crucial this is in healing, as well as feeling like I am drowning when sorrow is overwhelming. Of course, I wouldn’t want to leave you in your pain with no way out, so I share how I work to heal. Working to get through the pain takes effort as much as the passage of time, and I offer several resources for assistance.

Losing a loved one is universal. How we grieve our loved one is individual.

My dear friend, Laura Lee Jones, took up boxing to process her grief, stating “I had a succession of things that were just super painful. I’m very disciplined, and I knew that I needed to channel that into something healthy. Boxing ended up being it.” You can find a video of Laura Lee’s debut (and one and only) boxing match in my resources, below.

Choosing a less physical avenue, I co-founded a business offering innovative heart-based solutions which assist an employer when an employee is grieving.

As humans, we grieve when a loss occurs. At the same time, we tend to rush the process with avoidance and busyness. We might numb the process and pain with alcohol or other potentially unhealthy and possibly deadly habits. Our bodies, minds and souls are supposed to feel and feeling pain because of a loss, is normal.

Let me know how you have or continue to process your grief. Do you have a person in your life offering you the opportunity to slow down, long enough to feel? My person was my Granddaddy. He taught me the importance of slowing down, years before I needed to know why I even needed the lesson. I am sure glad I had his lesson.

Stay safe and keep feeling your feelings as we shine a light on peace!

Links and Resources for Episode 16

Google definition of Grief
William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR - medical definition of grief
Laura Lee Jones, age 58 using boxing as one way to process her grief
Workplace Healing LLC
Love Lives On , founded by Sarah Dickinson
Elizabeth Kubler Ross - author of “On Death and Dying”
David Kessler - author of “Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief”

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This channel is made possible through the continued support of our Angel patrons: Agnes Payton Anna Evans Arlene Meyer Diana Cox Lesley Williams Nora Miles Shawn Kilgore Susanna Garcia and Teryn Tucker along our partner patrons Natural Awakenings Magazine, Unity of Nashville, Zen Living Realty, and Supportek Staffing.

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Real Grief - Real Healing is copyright 2020, Mindy Corporon. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

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