A gentle reminder at the start that words don't hurt as much as you'd think them to! Anyway, we kick things off talking about the controversy surrounding the upcoming "video game" The Day Before, and whether it's real or not, and what's coming up for E3 and what's being announced for the DC Universe over the next few years by James Gunn. Stephanie is still knocking out The Last of Us and prepping herself for DeadSpace by watching a let's play, and Stoy still enjoys Forspoken, all the while jumping into Deliver Us The Moon, and Goldeneye for the Xbox. 

Here's what's coming out this week!

Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure (PC, NS, XB, XBX) 2/10
Hogwarts Legacy (PC, PS5, XBX) 2/10
Repentant (XB, XBX) 2/10
Looking for Aliens ( XB, XBX) 2/10

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