When Saehee, a Korean American, first moved from the States to Germany, she struggled to adjust for many different reasons.  This led to her feeling depressed and lonely. But that would all change once she started getting back to what she loves. Listen to the story of how Saehee was able to move herself beyond difficult times with the help of therapy, embracing her culture, and focusing on her love for cooking and food.

Saehee's websites:
Korea Konnect
Kosari Kimchi

Saehee on Instagram: @saeheechang
Saehee on Facebook: Kosari Kimchi

I contributed to The Expat Cast episode about having children abroad: Deciding to Have Kids or Not When Living Abroad

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 Contact me: [email protected]

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Instagram: the.germany.experience
Official podcast website: https://thegermanyexperience.de
YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/thegermanyexperience
Contact me: [email protected]

Podcast Intro Music by: Adrian Bran