Moving abroad on a corporate expat package with massive benefits? Piece of crumb cake. But what about taking the plunge alone and job searching when you get there…and learning the language at the same time? You’re not alone if the thought of that situation sends you sprinting in the opposite direction.

Meet Nicole, the bravest (and most hard working) woman you’ll ever know. She mustered up the courage to leave America with a new Master’s Degree and a basic grasp of the German language to start an adventure in Freiburg, Germany.

We discuss:

+ The ideal location of Philadelphia USA and a quest to find a comparable city elsewhere

+ Living in the Deep South as a Yankee

+ A financial journey- the struggles of working super hard to become self-sufficient, and continuing that pattern abroad

+ Job seeking in Germany- becoming fluent and surviving on a very tight budget

Enjoy getting to know the delightful Nicole, host of The Expat Cast Podcast, and be inspired by her courageous spirit!


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