American Expat Tia describes moving to Lebanon at age 6 and what it was like to integrate with the local culture including learning Arabic. She talks about adjusting to life in another country, making friends, and how her family grew closer together as a result of the move. After six years it was time for another move, this time to Malta. She talks about life as an expat there, studying at an all-girls school, and being an expat teenager. Tia had one final expat move at the age of sixteen, when her family came to the Netherlands. She was nervous about what fitting in, but soon discovered a warm and welcoming social environment at her international school. Tia's insight is a valuable resource to teens and parents of expat teens. In the interview, Tia will specifically discuss:

+ Keeping in touch with friends after moving
+ Local integration/school/language AND international school/Native language
+ Advice for other teens becoming expats
+ How this lifestyle has helped her prepare for the future.

Find the shownotes to episode 12 here