On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys discuss a Farmer Says he has found remains of two mysterious ‘Chupacabra’ creatures after stumbling across bizarre looking dead animals in Chile, a 'Living Fossil' Frilled Shark Caught Off Australia, King Tut’s Burial Mask Has Been “Irreversibly Damaged”, Ancient artifacts and human remains surface as glaciers melt and a Drone Crashed While Trying to Deliver 6lbs of Meth. Then during the feature section of the show Cam discusses the Maya Georgia Connection and Kyle talks about Oklahoma's Anubis Caves.

Show Notes:

Farmer Says he has found remains of two mysterious ‘Chupacabra’ creatures after stumbling across bizarre looking dead animals in Chile
'Living Fossil' Frilled Shark Caught Off Australia
King Tut’s Burial Mask Has Been “Irreversibly Damaged"
Ancient artifacts and human remains surface as glaciers melt
Drone Crashed While Trying to Deliver 6lbs of Meth
The Kenimer Site
Anubis Caves
A new world monument to Mithras Article


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