
Exopolitical State of the Planet Webinar

GSIC Roundtable Discussion

Interview with LA Marzulli – Nephilim, Ooparts, Reptilians & the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Star Nations News on the Hub, Negumak, etc. - Elena Danaan – Ep 2

The Hub and NASA announcement that humanity will never visit Jupiter

Ancient Tunnels under Gaza date back to Sargon of Akkad

Hollywood Disclosure Alliance – Genuine Disclosure or another CIA Psyop

AARO creates portal for govt, mil, and corp whistleblowers to disclose UFO info

Meme on Deep State controllers being magicians

Pentagon Press Conference for UAP reporting tool – David Grusch calls out AARO Director for lying about reaching out to him

Roundtable discussion on Remote Viewing with Tony Rodrigues, Elena Danaan, Alex Collier & Michael Salla

Discovery of White Hydrogen deposits excite scientists about new energy source

Sean Kirkpatrick about to be replaced as AARO Director

Netherlands and Iceland sign Artemis Accords

UK, joins Australia and Canada in not following US in disclosing UAP info – Deep State vs White Hats


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