We all love beer but what happens when your love for beer has no love for your belly? This week we talk about how to stay healthy while still enjoying craft beer and homebrewing. If you ever wanted to take fitness advice from people who know very little about it (but still can make you laugh) this is the episode for you. We also have an awesome round of brew songs of the week.

Intro song provided by Young Kartz, called "Levels" 
Find Young Kartz's music HERE: https://yungkartzbeats.com/beat/levels-2828650 
Break song provided by DJ Quads, called "Chillin" 
Find DJ Quad's music HERE: https://soundcloud.com/djquads/tracks

Outro song provided by Jahzzar, called "The Last Ones" 
Find Jahzzar music HERE: http://www.betterwithmusic.com/author/admin/

E12 Brew Songs Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Jthhy49AEzrql7GycHaq3?si=3b1c507ee64641c