Dan and Sarah met on Twitter. Yes, you read that correctly, Dan and Sarah met on Twitter. They don’t get into details how or why but they can assure the audience that it was a safe encounter. Dr. Dan Ratner refers to himself as a Therapist, the line between physical and mental therapist gets a bit blurry when Dan describes the work that he does. He treats chronic physical pain by shifting people's emotions and mindset. Sounds crazy right? Dan goes on to explain his research and work that argues that someone's emotional status has a huge impact on physical pain. Tying into the episode’s topic of “uncovering truth” Dan encourages people to rethink our emotional lives and how we prioritize them. 

Dan’s podcast is called “Crushing Doubt” and can be found on YouTube. The podcast, and much of this episode’s theme, is based around one mindset going into any situation, not just chronic back pain. This is something that needs to be consciously practiced, and Dan provides the audience with practical steps to take in order to implement his work. The episode is kept somewhat broad for lack of time to get into specifics. Towards the end Sarah provides the audience with a coaching challenge and Dan adds some wisdom to it, so stick around.