Sarah is joined by Bob Gerst, an HR professional, executive coach, and a podcast host of his own show ‘People in Transition’. Bob notes that the hardest part of transitioning jobs is change. Change is scary and uncomfortable, and nobody sees it as an opportunity to grow. The number one thing Bob tells people who have just lost their job is to be kind to themselves and use self compassion. This means taking care of both your body and mind and doing things that you weren’t doing before. Bob emphasizes eating healthy and exercising to really give yourself that edge when turning the corner to find a new job. He also urges people to not give away their resume out like free candy. Sitting and thinking critically about what kind of job you want to pursue is going to be more beneficial in the long run rather than sending your resume out to a bunch of companies that you are probably not interested in. 

In the back half of the episode Bob shares his favorite success story from his coaching career as well as 3 concise tips that the audience can take home. Sarah also shares her coaching challenge at the end of the episode.