Today's podcast is entitled "The Adventures of Good Days" in reference to a conversation I was having with someone where they said "Everyone's entitled to a bad day".

That got me to thinking: While everyone is ENTITLED to a bad day, that doesn’t mean everyone has one.  A long time ago, I determined that I wouldn’t ever have a “bad day”.  Sure, some days are tougher to get through than others, but I wouldn’t call them “bad”. 
Maybe it’s because I get overly reflective after having another birthday, but I think of any day alive and breathing above ground as a “Good Day”.  I had my fair share of birthday wishes and good natured ribbing about getting older, and it occurred to me: Be happy that you’re allowed to live another day and get older, because getting older is a privilege that is denied to many! 

Yes, I tend to get more philosophical as I get older, but that’s just because I’m getting better each day! LOL.

I’m happy to report that I had a great birthday weekend, and the month of March appears to be ending on a high note for me, so I’m excited!  I’ve been reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People” lately, and that along with a few other books I’ve been perusing like “Think and Grow Rich” and “The 48 Laws of Power” really appear to be shaping my philosophy on life, wealth building, and just plain “being”.  My struggles are I’m still trying to make it in this world, because just being “alive” isn’t quite enough for me, and my triumphs are that I’m still winning (though not Charlie Sheen-style. LOL).
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Come back next week, and have a Blessed Day!

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