If it wasn’t for real estate, our latest guest Joe McCall is sure he’d still be stuck in the rat race. Sitting in some form of cubicle, miserable, depressed and not making enough money to really live an amazing life.

Instead he is living in the home of his dreams, looking out over a thousand acres of woods and rolling hills. 

Lease options were a massive game changer for him and his family. In this episode he explains exactly how to sell lease options, where to find the deals, and the tools you need. 

If you don't see the next five or 10 years of your life looking promising by continuing what you are doing now, you might want to take a note from Joe here, and just start implementing on lease options today.

The Connected Investors' Exactly How Real Estate Investing Podcast is the perfect podcast for anyone interested in flipping houses, investing in real estate or building a business. Learn more at www.exactlyhow.com

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