Part Two of the Mildred Pierce (2011) miniseries really puts Mildred, and the audience, through the wringer. From the the dizzying high of sloughing off early from your last day of work at a mediocre job to romp with a fruit money playboy on the beach, to the gut-wrenching low of suddenly losing a child (possibly due to your romp with said fruit money playboy), this chapter is a roller coaster of emotion. Join us for some high ties, belted swimsuits, and drama-rama out the wazoo on Part Two of our Mildred Pierce Marathon!

Part Two of the Mildred Pierce (2011) miniseries really puts Mildred, and the audience, through the wringer. From the dizzying high of sloughing off early from your last day of work at a mediocre job to romp with a fruit money playboy on the beach, to the gut-wrenching low of suddenly losing a child (possibly due to your romp with said fruit money playboy), this chapter is a roller coaster of emotion. Join us for some high ties, belted swimsuits, and drama-rama out the wazoo on Part Two of our Mildred Pierce Marathon!