With August and the Edinburgh Fringe approaching, Ewan Spence opens up the season with our prologue to set the scene, and to listen to our traditional opening song from Daneil Cainer.

Welcome to the twentieth season of the Edinburgh Fringe Show and our coverage of the largest arts festival in the world.

Before everything starts moving too fast, welcome to our prologue podcast. It’s a chance for us to check everything is working on the tech side as the podcast feeds wake up from their slumber. If something’s not quite right, we’ve time to fix it. The podcast also helps set the scene for what’s to come in our weekly July preview shows before we get into the rush of August as the worlds of theatre, comedy, and music flood into Edinburgh.

Finally, it will come as no surprise that we have the music of Daniel Cainer as the troubadour reminds us what it’s like to be in Edinburgh (his show Jewish Chronicles runs throughout the Fringe).

All right, Edinburgh. Let’s start from the beginning one more time…

Listen to more from the Fringe at edinburghfringe.thepodcastcorner.com. Follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or in your favourite podcast app to never miss an episode.