About strategic and operational aspects of the European Parliament’s communication efforts ahead of upcoming EU elections. With the upcoming EU elections in mind, we...

About strategic and operational aspects of the European Parliament’s communication efforts ahead of upcoming EU elections.

With the upcoming EU elections in mind, we are particularly interested in how the Parliament engages with EU citizens, the challenges of communication across diverse regions, and strategies to increase voter turnout. You’ll find out more about insights into how EP campaigns are tailored to different member states, especially smaller ones like Slovenia, and how digital media and cultural diversity are integrated into EP communication strategies.

#EvropskaČetrt S07E21


JAUME DUCH – Spokesman and Director General for Communication at European Parliament.

Evropske volitve
Skupaj smo EU
Volilna udeležba na EU volitvah
275: Delphine Colard (European parliament) – Don’t take democracy for granted

Evropska četrt – vse, kar vas bo zanimalo o Evropski uniji, pa niste vedeli, koga vprašati.

Podkast vodita Nataša Briški in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc.

„Podkast sofinancira Evropska unija v okviru programa Evropskega parlamenta za dejavnosti obveščanja. Evropski parlament ne odgovarja za informacije in stališča, podana v okviru projekta, niti ga ta ne zavezujejo.“