MaryAnn DiMarco—psychic medium, intuitive counselor, teacher, and inspirational speaker. For years, I’ve delivered messages from Spirit that are at peace on The Other Side, or what I also refer to as Heaven. I continue to be amazed by how their loving and wise guidance offer inspiration, insight, healing, and practical support to those who are open to it.

When you hear me use the word “Spirit,” please know I’m referring to your angels, guides, deceased loved ones, religious figures (like saints and other holy beings), teachers (think Jesus, Buddha...) and God, who’s the creator of the universe and most powerful energy there is. You can also call this generous and loving presence Divine, Source, Jehovah, Yahweh, or any other name that resonates or reflects your faith. I feel we all have guided intuition from Spirit and are meant to use it in our daily lives.

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