Today on the podcast, I’m joined by Lucas Acosta, CEO of Foojee. Foojee is an MSP that focuses on supporting Mac environments. As a long-time Apple fanatic, I’m always interested in people working in the Apple ecosystem.

Lucas and I discussed how supporting Mac environments is like supporting a stable Windows environment. This provides more opportunities to provide value to the customer. We talk a bit about how Windows-focused MSPs should think about the Mac fleets they manage. We also talk about what Lucas attributes his company growth to. 

This episode is brought to you by Evolved Management Training Courses.

Online courses specifically crafted for MSP needs. A Service Manager BootCamp course, a project manager for MSPs course, an MSP security fundamentals course, and an IT Documentation Done RIght course.

Some links that were mentioned in the episode.

Today on the podcast, I’m joined by Lucas Acosta, CEO of Foojee. Foojee is an MSP that focuses on supporting Mac environments. As a long-time Apple fanatic, I’m always interested in people working in the Apple ecosystem.

Lucas and I discussed how supporting Mac environments is like supporting a stable Windows environment. This provides more opportunities to provide value to the customer. We talk a bit about how Windows-focused MSPs should think about the Mac fleets they manage. We also talk about what Lucas attributes his company growth to. 

This episode is brought to you by Evolved Management Training Courses.

Online courses specifically crafted for MSP needs. A Service Manager BootCamp course, a project manager for MSPs course, an MSP security fundamentals course, and an IT Documentation Done RIght course.

Some links that were mentioned in the episode.