Ryan Alshak, CEO at Ping talks with Mary Juetten in this Evolve Law member spotlight. Ping is automating timekeeping and analyzing data for law firms solving the biggest pain point of tracking billable hours.

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For additional information of this episode go to evolvelawnow.com/show Connect with Ryan https://www.timebyping.com https://www.crunchbase.com/person/ryan-alshak https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-alshak-72815722

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Show Notes

Background of Ping - 0:24 How did you figure out this legaltech problem - 1:12 Tell us more about your main customers and how long Ping has been alive? - 2:17 Where did you find the tech expertise for Ping? - 3:00 Do you have any feedback or case studies you can share with us? - 3:47 Do you have any metrics with time savings you can share with us? - 5:00

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