Jeff Ward and Ian do a deep dive on frontier technologies in this week's Evolve the Law Podcast.

Jeff is the director of Duke’s Center on Law & Technology (DCLT), which coordinates Duke’s leadership at the intersection of law and technology with programs such as the Duke Law Tech Lab, a pre-accelerator for legal technology companies, and the Access Tech Tools initiative, a program to help students and Duke’s community partners to employ human-centered design thinking and available technologies to create tools to enhance access to legal services.

Show Notes 

How Jeff got started at the Duke Center.  Teaching law students the ethics of AI, blockchain and design thinking. Designing a law course around a "Black Mirror" episode. How law students today are energized by exploring the implications of "frontier technologies."  The common ethos that things need to change. Why we need to look for the legal leaders of tomorrow, today. On regulating the ethical development of AI - the two ways of thinking about AI and the future of law. The core purpose of law school.  On empathy and problem solving. On teaching law students to become better managers, as well as better lawyers with a better toolset. Defining a "frontier technology" - the top 3 Jeff is thinking about (for now). Ethical technology development vs. ex post reaction.  The case of Cambridge Analytica and avoiding a negative feedback loop of policymaking. Brain Computing Interfaces ("BCIs") and their potential use cases in the courtrooms of tomorrow. Quantum Computing, CRISPR and the geopolitics of nations competing for frontier technology. A golden age of lawyering?  Links and Resources from this Episode For additional information go to [email protected] 919-613-7153

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