Evolutionary Radio is a bodybuilding, health and fitness podcast hosted by Trevor Kouritzin and co-host Steve Smi. Trevor and Steve discuss current topics in the fitness industry, answer user Q and A questions and have weekly guests. Live your life, look good doing it.
Host Trevor Kourtizin and co-host Steve Smi discuss six great topics on this episode!The first topic discussed is what advice Trevor and Steve would give a younger version of themselves when they just first starting training. The second topic discussed is the steroid MENT. The third topic discussed is HGH and whether or not it’s worth the money. The fourth topic discussed is the differences between krill oil and fish oil. The fifth topic discussed is the recent news of Layne Norton herniating a disk in his lower back by doing a deadlift one-rep max. The final topic discussed is topical steroids like Androgel.

Evolutionary.org Radio
Live your life, look good doing it.