Evolutionary radio presents another exciting podcast. Host Stevesmi is joined by co-host Rick . Original content geared, no pun intended, to help you get the most of your workouts.
1. 200mg vs. 500mg vs. 1000mg test cycles - which dosages fit what situation?
2. what do you think about foregoing pct and just staying on?
3. your thoughts on 90's vs. today bodybuilding - has bodybuilding advanced or gotten worse?
4. water in our homes poisoning us? the guys talk about why its important to filter your water
5. accepting a large amount of $$ from a relative you don't talk to often- turning down a friend who asks for money
learn more about different testosterones https://www.evolutionary.org/testosterone-esters-101
discuss 90's bodybuilding https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/bodybuilder-90%C2%B4s-vs-now-80725.html
for 1 on 1 coaching/consultation/source help requests hit up stevesmi https://www.elitefitness.com/forum/members/stevesmi.html https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/members/stevesmi.html

to follow along with RickyV
Follow Ricky on Social: http://www.rickyvrock.com/
Follow Ricky and ask him anything: http://www.bigrickrock.com/
Check out the Evolutionary Radio Podcast: https://www.evolutionary.org/podcasts/
Check out the EliteFitness Podcast: https://www.elitefitness.com/articles/podcast