Evolutionary radio presents another exciting podcast. Host Stevesmi is joined by co-host Rick . Totally raw and unfiltered, this time they answer all questions sent in by you guys and gals. They cover a bunch of topics on steroids, diet, working out, and relationships:
1. female steroid use advice.
2. biggest scam supplement to watch out for.
3. hiring a diet coach worth it?
4. what causes anxiety and insomnia on tren?
5. no motivation on pct, sex drive down can't workout.
6. My wife filed for divorce and took pictures of my gear to use against me. I'm on self prescribed TRT and had a bottle of tren from 6-7 years ago. She submitted it as evidence in a custody battle and I have court coming up.
Podcast #299 put your divorce on Steroids: https://www.evolutionary.org/evolutionary-podcast-299-qa-put-your-divorce-on-steroids/