Evolutionary radio presents another exciting podcast. Host Stevesmi is joined by co-host Rick . Totally raw and unfiltered This time we discuss the previous sarms

1. #330- GW501516 cardarine (1:05)
2. #338- Ostarine mk2866 (4:55)
3. #340- Andarine S4 (8:50)
4. #342- LGD4033 Anabolicum (12:30)
5. #344- MK-677 Nutrobal (16:00)
6. #346- YK11 (19:20)
7. #352- RAD140 Testolone (21:40)
8. #356- SR9009 Stenabolic (25:00)

Learn about SARM's: https://www.evolutionary.org/steroids/SARMS

Discuss on the forums: https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/anabolic-steroids-peds/back-game-sarms-77445.html?highlight=sarms

Follow Ricky V Rock on social: http://www.RickyVRock.com