For your aural pleasure we deleve deep in to the Man, the Myth and the Legend that was epic martial arts star Bruce Lee. Your hosts, as always are Stevesmi and ‘Da Mobster’.
In the podcast we discuss
- His thinking: his mental approach, the martial arts philosophies, the mythology.
- His movies.
- How he train: isometrics, weights, cardio, circuits, cable work and even grip.
- His nutrition
- His possible PED then and what he’d do now.
- What fighters and MMA cage athletes can do
- Learning what killed him and how we can learn a lesson from it ourselves.
Evo link to what we think Bruce Lee’s steroid cycle would have been:
Forum links
A brief discussion on one of his principles:
When you’re so epic that moderators quote your sayings:
One of many one inch and six inch punch videos:
An EPIC fight scene from his classic movie – Enter The Dragon: