In Folge #085

##Höchstleistung im Rad Ausdauersport mit Hilfe von ketogener Ernährung - Interview mit Jeff Heusserer von

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Kurze Zusammenfassung

In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Jeff darüber wie er gerade durch Ketose Höchstleistungen erbringt. Er hat soeben „Peak Break 2016“ absolviert. Ein Radrennen in 8 Etappen quer über die Alpen. Er teilt seine praktischen Erfahrungen zur Umsetzung sowohl in der Vorbereitungsphase also auch beim Wettbewerb.

Durch intelligentes Einteilen seiner Kräfte hat er alle Etappen des Rennens - in Summe knapp 900km und 19.000 Höhenmeter - sehr gut geschafft, ist ziemlich verletzungsfrei geblieben . Durch seine LCHF/Keto-Ernährung hatte er vollkommen ausreichenden Brennstoff für seine Kraftzellen in jeder einzelnen Etappe - auch wenn er unterwegs nur Wasser getankt hat!

Weitere Folgen

Diabetes (Typ 1) mit ketogener Ernährung besiegen, geht das? - Interview mit Jeff Heusserer | Folge #079

Primal Endurance: Escape Chronic Cardio and Carbohydrate Dependency and Become a Fat Burning Beast! - Mark Sisson und Brad Kearns

Primal Endurance shakes up the status quo and challenges the overly stressful, ineffective conventional approach to endurance training. While marathons and triathlons are wildly popular and bring much gratification and camaraderie to the participants, the majority of athletes are too slow, continually tired, and carry too much body fat respective to the time they devote to training. The prevailing chronic cardio approach promotes carbohydrate dependency, overly stressful lifestyle patterns, and ultimately burnout.Mark Sisson, author of the 2009 bestseller, The Primal Blueprint, and de-facto leader of the primal/paleo lifestyle movement, expertly applies primal lifestyle principles to the unique challenge of endurance training and racing. Unlike the many instant and self-anointed experts who have descended upon the endurance scene in recent years, Sisson and his co-author/business partner Brad Kearns boast a rich history in endurance sports. Sisson has a 2:18 marathon and 4th place Hawaii Ironman finish to his credit, has spearheaded triathlon s global anti-doping program for the International Triathlon Union, and has coached/advised leading professional athletes, including Olympic triathlon gold and silver medalist Simon Whitfield and Tour de France cyclist Dave Zabriskie. Under Sisson's guidance, Kearns won multiple national championships in duathlon and triathlon, and rose to a #3 world triathlon ranking in 1991.Primal Endurance applies an all-encompassing approach to endurance training that includes primal-aligned eating to escape carbohydrate dependency and enhance fat metabolism, building an aerobic base with comfortably paced workouts, strategically introducing high intensity strength and sprint workouts, emphasizing rest, recovery, and an annual periodization, and finally cultivating an intuitive approach to training instead of the usual robotic approach of fixed weekly workout schedules.

###Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars


Krebszellen lieben Zucker - Patienten brauchen Fett - Ulrike Kämmerer , Christina Schlatterer, Gerd Knoll

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance - Jeff S. Volek PhD RD, Stephen D. Phinney MD PhD

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable - Jeff S. Volek PhD RD, Stephen D. Phinney MD PhD


Peak Break 2016: Race Finished

Leben ohne Brot

Keto Reading Project - 6 Monate, 181 Tage, 827 Fingerstiche zur Messung von Blutzucker und Blutketone..


Jeff Heusserer - | (auf Facebook folgen)
Paleo Low Carb - JULIAS BLOG | (auf Facebook folgen)
Superhumanoid - PAWELS BLOG Super | (auf Facebook folgen)

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