In this week’s game-changing podcast: “Meet the Health Insurance CEO Who Loves Functional Medicine”, James interviews Benicomp Insurance CEO, Doug Short on how functional medicine practitioners can now serve the approximately 200 million Americans receiving insurance through their employer, without cutting rates or changing practice models.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

This is the kNew era of medicine we’ve been talking about… and it’s here waiting for you right now.

Tune in now and learn how to get in on this little-known niche, plus:

Exactly how you, a functional medicine provider, can access the employer-insured market through CEOs, executives and business owners (and get paid handsomely for it) How to reduce the cost of your services (including packages) 30-40% for local employers, CEOs, executives and their spouses without cutting your rates A clear understanding of how ACA laws are impacting these business owners and our ecosystem Who Benicomp Insurance is, why their products are different and how they are able to cover functional medicine services using specific claims and post-tax dollars How you can get signed up to be part of this kNew movement and start receiving referrals as employers come to the table

And be sure to tune in next week for Part 2, when Doug lays out how Benicomp can offer this type of functional medicine coverage for all employees (not just high-level executives and business owners).

Want to join forces?

If you’re a practitioner: Click here to enter the names of the CEOs, business owners, HR managers and executives you’ve been seeing for the last 4 years and enter them on the podcast page.

If you’re a patient and/or business owner, CEO, HR Manager, etc interested in getting functional medicine covered for your employees: click here to enter your contact information.

Our goal in procuring these names, is to meet with these decision makers who already see the value in functional medicine for themselves and show them how they could reap the benefits of affordable, consistent functional medicine for all of their employees.

Please forward it to all your colleagues who could benefit.