This week’s podcast features: Daniel Schmachtenburger, co-founder and director of research and development at Neurohacker Collective, in Complexity Medicine: The Basis for a Functional Standard of Care.

Daniel is a deep thinker and researcher on how human regulatory systems function, how they break down and how they can be supported to function with greater resilience.

In this thought-provoking half-hour, we take a deep dive into the future of personalized medicine, longevity and health, including:

How Daniel reversed his autoimmune diagnosis by using complexity science theory and functional medicine The importance of non-linear thinking and investigation in pinpointing, stopping and reversing the causal factors of complex illness Definitions of the 3 tiers of disease within the homeodynamic axis The three fundamental tier 1 root causes of disease based on evolutionary code How functional medicine practitioners can help attract biotech companies and entrepreneurs into our space Insightful tips for practitioners to gain clarity in uncovering root cause(s) in an era of complex clinical cases And much more

This was a fantastically dense half-hour of clinical insights, theory and grab your notebooks (hang onto your hats), listen and subscribe to the podcast today.

Resources mentioned in this podcast: