Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services has Joslyn Bolden, the HR manager at EverythingHR, as a guest host interview Shaniece Bennett, a CPA and Founder of Accutrak Consulting and Accounting Services. The focus of Shaniece’s talk is covering cashflow management, how to hire the ideal CPA, and what services her company Accutrak Consulting and Accounting Services can offer businesses.

Key Points:
Accutrak is known for complete financial management services, assisting small businesses, also government contractors and some government agencies.Integrity is the most important thing to look for in a CPA, who should be able to tell you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear.Make sure you have enough cash when you need it and review it more often than you view your income statements.  
Show Highlights:
Shaniece Bennett introduces Accutrak Consulting and Accounting Services.What is the statement of cash flow?What is the current ratio of assets and how is it calculated?How do you do a cashflow budget projection equation?  Which accounting software tools does Shaniece recommend?  What should you look for in a good CPA?  How should you be engaging with your CPA throughout the year?What are cash discounts in regards to taxes?How does the Prompt Payment Act work?What is entailed in a government contract debrief?Does Accutrak provide training or information regarding cash management?
Email  Shaniece Bennett: [email protected] Learn about accutrakservice.com Accutrak Consulting and Accounting Services: (586)-840-6494