Felicia Harris, Founder, and CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services interviews Dr. Jennifer Nash, Owner of Nash Consulting and Associates. Dr. Nash, who has 25 years as an executive coach and leadership development expert, talksabout the 5 Strategies to Build Relationship Intelligence.  

Why is it important to have relationships in our personal and professional lives? What makes up a healthy relationship? How can we turn around a toxic relationship and make it more positive? How can you build a relationship with someone that you don’t know very well? Does the environment play a role in building a mutually beneficial relationship? If you as a business owner know you have a toxic work environment, how can you repair it?What is empathy and why is it important?  What is the difference between coaching an employee and mentoring an employee?  How do we demonstrate inspirational leadership in our workforce?   What are techniques to adapt to change? How do we establish trust? Being an introvert just means that you get your energy from within and extroverts get their energy from being around others. 
 Key Points:
 People that have a best friend at work are 7 times more likely to be engaged in their job.   Actively listening is when you are focused on what the person is saying, absorbing it, rephrasing it in your own words so they know they were understood. Not just planning your response while they talk. 

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