This week we revisit the episode in which Felicia Harris, CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services, interviews a team of lawyers from Littler Mendelson Law Firm regarding employment law updates. They discuss a range of updates and pitfalls including paid time off, minimum wage, immigration, legal marijuana use, firearms, and sexual harassment. 
Littler Mendelson Law Firm is the largest employer-side employment law firm in the world with 1400 attorneys; it is exclusively an employer management defense firmMichigan recent law updates - new paid sick leave going into effect in March 2019There was no mandatory paid sick leave in Michigan before this act was passedTo be in compliance with the new law, any company with 50 or more employees should consult with its legal teamStatus on state Guidance - Guidance from the state would be helpful, but it may not happen Employers should consult with legal teams to know whether specific employees are covered by the new actMichigan state Legislature passed a minimum wage increase law which will again increase at the end of March 2019Current wages for salaried workers and how to calculate work time based on the Fair Labor Standards ActImmigration laws including and recent historical background, necessary forms, and other detailsLittler Mendelson collaborates with someone’s existing legal counsel How the recent legalization of recreational marijuana is impacting labor laws nationwide Firearms in the workplaceThe #MeToo movement and why employers need to take it seriously
Connect with Felicia Harris