Today on the show, I am talking about Yamas as they pertain to every day life and how we can practice these in our daily lives. There are 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas in the path of Yoga.

The Yama known as Satya, meaning truthfulness, is the one being explored today, along with how it ties into another Yama: Ahimsa, meaning non-violence. I'll tie them together and explains how these work together to create the balance we need in order to express ourselves. 

When we are in doubt and are not sure if we should express something or how, evaluation the balance between Ahimsa and Satya can help us find our way. This is also critical when dealing with the expectations we have of ourselves and those that others have of us. When we choose to "people-please", we are not being truthful to ourselves or them. In order to practice Satya, we must always be truth with our words and actions. Equally, it is said that words and actions cannot hold truth is they come from a place of harm. In other words, you cannot practice true Satya without practicing Ahimsa. 

Join me as we explore these intricacies and takes your through the limbs of Yoga and how they tie into our human psychology, as well as how we can apply these considerations to every day life. 

Happy listening!

Gen x 

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