Hello, Hello, Hello! We have news! Everything Under The Sun won a bronze award at the British Podcast Awards, we were so pleased to win an award after only twenty three episodes, so thank to all of you for listening, telling your friends, sending in questions and generally being amazing! You're all wonderful, thank you. 

I’m also writing a book full of your Everything Under The Sun questions so do send in your questions to the podcast to be on the show and in the book! The first 5 children to send in questions next week will get a little note from me and a special Everything Under The Sun bookmark! So read, set, get recording! 

This week we have three questions. The first is from Clara and she would like to know, why do some people not have houses and have live to live on the streets? 

To answer her we have George the Poet, who won all the awards at the British Podcast Awards for his amazing podcast for adults, Have you Heard George’s Podcast? He’s a musical poet who knows lots about politics and our society. He has a wonderful answer to Clara’s excellent question about this problem we all have to work hard to end, so everyone has a place to sleep at night and food to eat. 

Next up is Tommi who would like to know something about the creatures we call man’s best friend, dogs! Find out why dogs wag their tails, what it means when they wag their tails to the left or right and what they’re feeling when they have their tails between their legs. We also talk about how all dogs have the same ancestor, the grey wolf!

Then Benjamin would like to know about the noises giraffes make. Giraffes aren’t very noisy creatures, they don’t Baa like a sheep, moo like a cow, bark like a dog or roar like a lion. But they’re not silent. Find out what noises they DO make, but only at night! We also talk about how many bones giraffes have in their necks, you might be surprised by the answer. 

We also find out who won a copy of Sensational Butterflies, by Ben Rothery with facts and help from Nick Crumpton who was our expert last week, talking about butterflies! 

A huge thank you to George the Poet for talking to us about why people might be homeless and about how we must all work to end the problem so everyone has a safe place to sleep and night and food to eat and of course a big thank you to Clara, Tommi and Benjamin for this week’s questions as well as to Callie, Marth and Heidi for sending in their amazing hungry caterpillar impressions! 

I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. 

Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can! 

If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help! 

Thank you and GOODBYE! X

To find out more about George the Poet do check out his website HERE - https://www.georgethepoet.com

or his twitter is: @GeorgeThePoet

Social media for EUTS:

twitter - @mollyoldfield

instagram - @mollyoldfieldwrites

facebook - Molly Oldfield

website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk

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