181: Just Another Fanboy - The Bright Side of Life

This week, on the Season Finale of Just Another Fanboy, I want to talk about COVID-19. But rather then spend time on the dark side of things, I wanted to talk about the bright spots. Stuff we have now that we didn't have before.

I don't want to take away from the tragedy, or ignore the heroic efforts of our first responders, teachers, and those in the food service and retail industry. Those are incredible people. They need to be recognized, but there are others, other shows, other people, who have been doing a far better job at showing that recognition than I could.

Instead, in this episode, I just wanted to look at the Bright Side of Life.

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The Darkest Timeline

Reunited Apart

Kirby Krackle


(I Wanna) Social Distance With U


13 Songs With George Hrab

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More stuff:

The theme song used in each episode is Night Drive by The Oldfield Victory. Find them and their music at theoldfieldvictory.bandcamp.com

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Ask me questions, tell me stories, lie to me, speak your truth, make suggestions, or even complain right here: [email protected]

Check out Steeven's blog at steevenrorr.com

Just Another Fanboy is a proud member of the Comics Podcast Network. Find it and more great comic book podcasts at comicspodcasts.com