058: Steeven Orr Else #1 - Did Game of Thrones End?

Here it is, folks, the first episode of the new Steeven Orr Else. You’re in for a treat here, I really mean it.

First you’re going to get a Franks and Bean’s sketch. What’s Franks and Bean’s? Dive in and find out more.

Next, I talk comics, and for this episode that mean Fantastic Four #232 which was published this month way back in 1981 and marks the first issue of John Byrne’s landmark run on the title.

Following your comics talk you get a bit of News and Information You Could Have Easily Gotten For Yourself With Just a Little Effort.

In the News, we get a frosted sheet of Styrofoam and an emergency at Taco Bell that only the police can handle.

Then, for your Information, I discuss something new I’ve learned about Conan the Cimmerian.

Beyond all that you’ll get 30 Seconds of Nonsense and the Abners will ponder the apparent cluster jam that was the final season of Game of Thrones.


Theme Orr Else. Written and performed by Derek Neibarger from Atomic Zombie Records
Pluparenthetical Polka by George Hrab
Irk by George Hrab
We’re Looking For Something A Little More Ethnic by George Hrab
Sciurus Carolinensis by George Hrab


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Headline #1 - Walmart served Texas family graduation cake made of Styrofoam
Headline #2 - When Taco Bell runs out of tacos, who do you call? One person reportedly called the police