Inesa Ponomariovaite began working at age 10 years old. When her mother was forced to take work in another city, Inesa was left to care for her siblings alone – at an age when most children are still learning how to take care of themselves. As a young adult, Inesa made a visit to the United States and decided to stay, settling in the Chicago area. After 4 years Inesa’s health had completely deteriorated. A victim of domestic violence, she was ravaged by disease, infection and constant pain. Eventually she landed in the emergency room. She was so ill that she remembers nothing until waking up days later in a hospital bed. . She recovered and returned to her Chicago home. But soon afterwards she found herself out on the street, alone and homeless... left with nothing but the clothes on her back. Even worse, she received a call from her mother that she is dying from Cancer. Inesa's journey to heal her mother took her to a personal connection with cannabis that healed her mother and eventually herself. Nesa's Hemp is developed with that principle in mind. Organic and live hemp that is meant to heal. Check out this episode and our Lithuanian connection.EndoDNA: The breakthrough DNA test that matches you with the right
cannabinoid products for your wellness journey.

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