It's been a while since we've talked tabletop RPGs and gaming on this show—Nathan Ainsworth, from Delve the Podcast, helps fix that! We chat about podcasting, Delvecast, tabletop RPG systems, and what it's like to do a radio play all on your own.


Nathan Ainsworth is a podcaster and one half of the Delvecast team. He's also the creator, director, writer, actor, etc. for Orbital Earthcast.


Join your hosts Alex Dufault and Nathan Ainsworth as they Delve into the mechanical side of games and gaming with an exploration of the choices designers make when creating your favorite games. They cover a broad spectrum of gaming, from boardgames to RPGs with interviews with up and coming game designers and pros alike.


After 5,000 Standard Earth Years (SEY), Orbital comes to Earth. Thank you human technology for finally becoming advanced enough for us to retrofit our file format so you can hear this. My name is Gap Storm, an extraterrestrial with command over time and space. I could have set off for the edges of the Universe to fight crime or save the innocent. Instead, I started an audio program. Enjoy!


We've relaunched our Patreon! Instead of running multiple services to collect pledges for the things we do, we combined everything into ONE location. This will allow us to keep everything centralized, only ask for your support at one location, and better upgrade our entire operation. With your support, That's Entertainment and Everything is Awesome will be able to make upgrades to provide not only higher quality content, but more of it.

Thank you in advance for supporting us; it means the world to Kev and Mike. If you're unable to support us on Patreon, consider subscribing to Everything is Awesome on iTunes and leaving a 5-star text review or telling a friend--your Patreon pledges, iTunes reviews, and word of mouth recommendations go a long way at helping us do bigger and cooler things, like live shows, con appearances, and creating more high quality content.

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All this and more on this weeks edition of Everything is Awesome!

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