On the first annual Everything is Awesome Remembers Robin Williams, Kev sits and reflects about Robin Williams the person. So many people have shared stories about his random acts of kindness that people, regardless of fame, tend to not have. Robin Williams brought smiles to the world and we lost a bit of laughter when he left. We're choosing to celebrate his life versus mourn, because, and I say this without knowing him personally, I think he'd want us to be smiling and laughing more than anything else today. Thank you Robin Williams, not just for entertaining us, but for being a good human being too.

First and foremost, if you suffer from depression, PLEASE talk to someone. Family, a friend, a stranger (just be careful with this one)... there are other options. If you're not comfortable talking to someone familiar, please call 1-800-273-8255 (the suicide prevention hotline). Call us at 267-223-4965 (though, I'd highly recommend emailing first (faster response) at [email protected]). Do anything but take that final step. There are people that care about you and strangers you've yet to encounter whose lives will change because of you.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize to the host of Podcast About Nothing. He was supposed to sit in on this and my schedule got in the way. I'll be sure to have him on another episode, but thank you for being the first to volunteer to be part of this. There's always next year.