Red Lagoe grew up on 80s horror and carried her paranoia of slashers and sewer creatures into adulthood. She never realized how helpful her love of horror was until she applied the lessons learned to traversing the campus parking lots at night.
Horror stories have always been in her head, but instead of using her ever-so-useful Independent Studies degree in a creative field, she went to work in the veterinary field. Here, she learned first-hand to identify the smell of death and burnt flesh. She’s had her hands inside the warm abdominal cavities of living things, and assisted on surgeries where limbs and eyeballs were removed. Putrid infections, maggots, rabies, and diseases riddled her day to day. She put seven years of own (literal) blood, sweat, and tears into her job but needed to step away.
Red made the painful decision to leave her beloved nine-to-five to spend more time with her kids and to pursue her buried passion for writing dark fiction.
We also talk about what Women In Horror Month means to her.
Check out "Fair Haven" and "Lucid Screams" published from Red Lagoe.
Learn more at 
Our Review for Lucid Screams


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