Michael Alden Peck Discusses the Impact of COVID-19 and Next Steps for Recovery. From the paradigm shift that will inevitably occur in how we pay and view essential workers; to the revelations about the inequities that exist in our economy; to the consideration of the need to make the U S Postal Service a Worker Cooperative, and ultimately the resolution to abandon the trickle-down economic structure and create a Gusher-up (Bottom-up) economy.

Michael is co-founder of 1worker1vote, and The Virtuous Cycle Collaboratory. In response to COVID-19, he became part of a team that is co-imagining/co-launching the People's Rising Sunshine Exchange (PRSE) - a digital platform for micro PPE purchases on behalf of front-line healthcare, home-care and emergency response workers - helping to save lives at risk of those saving others.

Earlier this year, Michael co-founded The Virtuous Cycle Collaboratory (tvc2), a majority-minority, for-profit worker-cooperative domiciled in Alexandria/Virginia, that designs, launches and scales shared-values, purpose-driven and profit-seeking social enterprises and social enterprise ecosystems (start-ups, conversions, supply chains, tax and technology innovation, B2B and B2C platforms) for the emerging Stakeholder Economy.

In 2015, Michael co-founded and serves as the executive director of the non-profit 1worker1vote movement (New York), with regional hybrid model, shared ownership ecosystems based in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, and Central Brooklyn. Michael served as the International Delegate (USA) for the Mondragón Co-operative Corporation (1999 -2019 www.mondragon-corporation.com), and for the past decade has served as board secretary of the American Sustainable Business Council, as a Blue Green Alliance corporate advisory board member since its start in 2006, and as a co-founding (2019) board member of Citizens' Share Brooklyn (CSG).